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The AA brand goes on the road - SIE 2023

We like to meet the people who own and run the businesses we support. We also love meeting new people who might benefit from our products and services. That’s why we were so pleased to attend this year’s SIE, the tenth biennial Sabah International Expo held at the end of September.

The Sabah International Expo is Sabah's Premier Trade Fair event, jointly-organised with the Sabah State Government and held every two years in the beautiful City of Kota Kinabalu.

The event is designed to provide a platform for exhibitors to meet, make new business contacts, and showcase the latest products and services from the East ASEAN Growth Area and beyond, bringing fresh commercial and economic interest to Sabah. Almost 70 million consumers in the BIMP-EAGA region makes SIE the perfect South East Asian trade hub.

We explored exciting opportunities with regional and national SMEs. We built new bonds with future clients. We gave away smart AA branded notebooks to encourage brand recognition and recall for months to come. And we distributed sustainable, fashionable branded tote bags to keep our company at the front of people’s minds after the Expo.

We’d like to thank the organisers and everyone we met at the event – see you next time!