(603) 3319 4219

All claims are handled by our in-house team. There's no waiting on anyone else for responses or decisions. You'll deal direct with the decision maker. Our goal is to save you time and stress and get everything back to normal as fast and painlessly as possible.

Let's get started...

We assign

Download and complete our claim form OR do it online. Complete the form with as much detail as possible. When we receive your claim, it will be assigned to a claims professional. Depending on the complexity of your claim, you may work with a team of claims representatives, each of whom has experience handling a particular aspect of it.

We get in touch

Our professional team will contact you to get the facts surrounding your loss, talk to you about your coverage, explain how your claim will be handled, identify ways to protect your property from further damage (for example, putting a tarp over a damaged roof or plastic sheeting on a broken car window), and schedule a face-to-face appointment if you need one.

We estimate and evaluate

Our professional claims handlers will determine whether the loss is covered, gather the facts, inspect and document the damage, interview witnesses or other involved individuals, take photos and samples (if needed), and evaluate your claim.

We resolve

We will work with you to resolve your claim fairly either by paying what you're owed, or explaining why there would be no payment on your claim.

We close

When we have resolved your claim under the terms of your policy, we close the claim. If you discover additional expenses, we will re-open your claim to investigate. Some claims are opened and closed quickly, while others may take weeks or even months to resolve because of the complex issues involved. But wherever your claim falls in that range, our claims professionals will do whatever it takes to help you get back to where you belong.

You relax!

When you know for sure you can rely on a team of professionals to provide expert support throughout the insurance claims process, you have the peace of mind you need to grow your business and enjoy your life.


We're happy to discuss your requirements and give you the extra protection you need.

Call us on 03-3319 4219